Some types of social connections are more meaningful and valuable than others. For example, social media doesn't create strong, meaningful connections compared to meeting a friend in person. We know that the number of friends that we have on our social media accounts isn't the same thing as true in-person connections that we can have with a real person.
One great way to create meaningful connections is to put down the phone and choose people over "machines." Sometimes it's fun to look around in a supposed social setting and see how many people are on their phones. While it might be just "checking in" with loved ones, choosing to put our phones away and focus on those we are in the room with can help us be more connected to those around us.
Meet in person. Choose to meet somebody that you normally text. You will feel a deeper and more meaningful connection to somebody if you meet them in person. Nothing beats face to face interaction.
Take a look at your calendar and look for opportunities to schedule time with what might seem like a lost relationship. Make it a goal to reach out to two new people a month. This will keep your social circle expansive and growing. Learn about what somebody else has going on, their struggles and triumphs and what is bringing them joy and disappointments.
Making eye contact is essential to creating connection. When we make eye contact, we show interest and empathy for the person sitting across from us. Eye contact is important because it conveys confidence, builds respect and builds trust. When we make good eye contact with somebody, it also displays honesty and understanding. The tone of our message in our conversation is more easily conveyed when we make consistent, solid eye contact.
When we have social connection with others, we improve our ability to recover from stress, anxiety and depression. The support we get from our social connections can add to our feelings of meaning and purpose.
